Bilateral symposium to explore advanced ceramic materials development and cooperation

Date:2015-12-30 14:39:56 View:3431

On November 12-15, the first in henan province China and Germany "advanced ceramic material design, preparation and application of" bilateral conference held in zhengzhou aviation industry management institute. The workshop aimed at henan aviation port construction and characteristics of resources industry development needs, and actively promote sino-german relevant experts, the two countries in ceramic material related material physics and chemistry to develop deeper cooperation and communication.

The conference host controller, zhengzhou air courtyard, vice President of the keen thought, the purpose of this seminar is to build bilateral academic high-end brands, provide direct communication platform for attending scientists, for the two sides further substantive cooperation in the field of ceramic materials. "Using existing resources of China and Germany in the field of new materials of high quality resources, the basic theory research, technology and achievements, constantly serve the regional economic development in henan."

Scene: the academic backbone

The symposium sponsored by the center for science in the traditions of the national natural science fund committee, zhengzhou aviation industry management institute and Germany fry berg joint industrial university, zhengzhou university and other units. According to the relevant head of the bilateral workshop is a sino-german 15 years have passed since the establishment of the center for science in the colleges and universities in henan province to undertake bilateral high-level academic exchange meeting for the first time.

From China, Germany's 33 scientists attended the meeting in the field of new materials, including 10 Germany, materials scientists and 23 domestic well-known experts in materials science and engineering fields. Including two member of Chinese academy of sciences (engineering), seven of the ministry of education Yangtze river scholars, winners of national outstanding youth fund, 1 "pacesetter project" in the new century national person, two Chinese academy of sciences, the introduction of foreign outstanding talents and one hundred people plan ", 3 national "973 project", chief expert, 1 national youth science and technology innovation talents, 1 national department distinguished experts "one thousand plan", 3 "new century excellent talents to support plan" of the ministry of education.

Henan province vice provincial governor xu attended the opening ceremony. Province henan, he says, is a traditional economy, to accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development in the new period, adjusting and optimizing economic structure, realize the rise of central China, henan revitalize the strategic target, the fundamental method is to rely on the strength of science and technology, the key idea is to enhance our capacity for independent innovation. "At present, in henan province is surrounding countries' area 'important strategy, all the way to zhengzhou airport economic comprehensive experimental area construction, the surrounding air demand for economic development center, focus on high-end manufacturing industry system, new material industry will be the future of aviation one of the major factors of economic development at the core of the driver." Xu believes that "the high-end academic sino-german cooperation and technology research and development, will benefit the henan's economic and social development."

Germany fry berg Edwin industrial university, says prof Kroke this meeting is between China and Germany in ceramic material excellent platform of basic research and applied aspects of communication, he believes that the two sides in addition to the advanced ceramic materials in the field of science and technology innovation and product incubation on exploration, can also with this platform, strengthen cooperation in a broader field of materials.

Core: air around all the way "area" and port construction

According to relevant data show that the advanced ceramic base material is the development of modern industry, aviation, national defense and other fields. With the rapid development of China's economy and science and technology, more and more high to the requirement of advanced ceramic materials. At present, China's preparation and its application in advanced ceramics has made great progress. Germany in the study of advanced ceramic materials also has been in the leading position, and remarkable achievements in terms of technology transfer.

"At present, zhengzhou airport economic development of comprehensive experimental area is the key to industry layout. Surrounding aviation economy itself characteristics promote the development of high-end manufacturing industry is to adjust industrial upgrading of regional economy and realize the key elements of the port industry layout," keen believes that "high-end materials to high-end manufacturing, the seminar is all the way around the countries' area 'and zhengzhou airport economic comprehensive experimental area of high-end manufacturing industry such as national major strategic needs, mutual discussion of advanced ceramic materials related material physics and chemistry" the international latest research progress.

China-germany le-sheng Chen will be the deputy director of the center for science in the standing conference on high-end positioning, in the national strategy of "area" and the 2014 led the sino-german cooperative action program, "to further deepen the bilateral academic exchanges, expand areas of cooperation and strengthen the cooperative innovation, joint training high-level talents, the new material and new breakthroughs were made in areas such as high-end manufacturing, service construction of zhengzhou airport economic comprehensive experimental area."

At present, is pushing forward the construction of the airport economic comprehensive experimental area of zhengzhou in henan province for the development of colleges and universities in henan province provides significant opportunities for development, "as the characteristics of aviation regional key university, zhengzhou economic development 'aviation navigation college application collaborative innovation center in henan province" and "henan airlines center for economic research two airlines' economic theory research platform, is to domestic economic research on the theme of the only universities set up a research platform." Party secretary of zhengzhou navigation colleges Liang Xiaoxia think this is a school to strengthen bilateral seminar service of strong regional economic booster, "we will further strengthen the international cooperation and exchanges in the international and domestic high-quality resources, strengthen the cooperative innovation, deepen cooperation and jointly foster new materials industry, promote regional economic development in henan." Liang Xiaoxia said.

Topic: high-end brands build academic discussions

The theme of the conference is "theoretical innovation, technological breakthroughs, the development of application", focusing on promoting theoretical innovation in the field of advanced ceramic materials and technology promotion, to create "china-germany ceramic material design and preparation of" international joint laboratory, exploring areas of advanced ceramic materials new sino-german joint training mode.

In a five-day conference, sino-german both parties in communication with a total of 30 report at the meeting. Report content around the key core technology of advanced ceramic materials research and communicate important theory, focus on discussion of advanced ceramic materials science and technology in energy, resources and the comprehensive development of material and technology industrialization, the latest progress in the field of technological innovation and so on, to explore opportunities and challenges faced by advanced ceramic materials science and the future development direction.

Both scholars believe that the results reflected in this seminar: concise sino-german cooperation of scientific research direction in the field of advanced ceramic materials, academic and technical cooperation, and promote the theoretical innovation in the field of advanced ceramic materials and technology promotion, to seek the academic and technical cooperation; Construction of high-end academic sino-german advanced ceramic materials and technology platform, to build "china-germany ceramic material design and preparation of" international joint laboratory, to build research and development of science and technology platform; To explore areas of advanced ceramic materials new sino-german joint training mode, through the exchange, exchange, promote the joint training; All the way around the country "area" and zhengzhou airport economic comprehensive experimental area national major strategic needs, according to high-end manufacturing planning of regional economy, the new material, new energy, new technologies, the introduction of Germany advanced theory and technology, promote the bilateral field of advanced ceramic materials new product achievements transformation, improve the industry layout, optimize the industrial mode, service regional economic development.

Professor Edwin Kroke said, also because of this, this conversation is especially important, and should be held down.