Craft ceramics also have "Qingyuan wisdom made"

Date:2016-1-5 14:22:33 View:4591
In many people's impression, ceramic craft art only produced in Jingdezhen, now there are "Qingyuan wisdom made", and the first delivery won the bronze medal. Recently, this reporter from Qingyuan City folk literature and art association was informed that Qingyuan a total of 3 pieces of works won the 2015 China (Guangdong) folk arts and Crafts Fair gold medal, two works won the bronze medal, which a Qingyuan first sent exhibition of Arts and crafts ceramics - pot art "good luck".
It is reported that the Association next step will further tap, folk culture promotion plans in October of next year, and other associations jointly organized the "Qingyuan City folk culture and Art Festival (Temple).
New breakthrough: the first exhibition of ceramic art exhibition that won the award
According to the president of the Folklore Society of Qingyuan City Wu Gongjian. This year, Qingyuan is sent to the 18 Works Exhibition, from the point of view of the number of winners made new breakthroughs, have 3 people won the 2015 China (Guangdong) folk arts and Crafts Fair Gold Medal; from the materials of the award-winning works of view, the Qingyuan send horn carvings show also won a gold medal, "before or in the wood carving, mainly, this year to horn creation works award is in Guangdong Province, the first for the material processing production."
For a long time, Qingyuan building ceramic based, despite having a good technology, but the lack of and traditional culture combine to create the relevant industry. Reporter noted that this year, Qingyuan delivery works also a pair of "new faces", that is craft ceramic pot - art.
Qingyuan City folk literature and Art Association of innovative ideas, take obligation to guide way of ceramic enterprise and cooperation to explore the craft ceramics, ceramic works first in 2015 China (Guangdong) folk arts and Crafts Fair won the bronze medal.
The Association vice chairman Zhang Shaolin said, Qingyuan traditional culture and enterprise combined with vitality, in order to allow more Qingyuan artware entered the market, the implementation of the development of culture and economy soar.
New ideas: plan to organize folk culture and Art Festival
In 2015, Qingyuan folk literature and Art Association Awards frequently. The member Yuan Yunhong woodcarving the Beijiang River spring ", in 2015 China Arts and crafts" Hundred Flowers Award "won the silver medal; in the Eleventh China (Shenzhen) International Fair, Cao Xianzhong creation of wood carving" Chinese Ghostbuster ", won the gold medal, Su Qin creation of wood the Sijun fight Yan", won the silver medal; in Guangdong traditional arts and crafts exhibition Wu Gongjian the creation of the bronze "Quan" and Cao Xianzhong wood "from generation to generation Fenghou" won the silver medal, Su Qin creation of wood carving "spirit" won the bronze medal.
Wu Gongjian said, the next step will be to carry out academic exchanges, to invite overseas folk artists face to face. To establish a linkage mechanism, do a good job to carry out folk art into campus activities, and actively to the community, colleges and universities, and communication and the popularization of excellent folk culture.
In addition, Qingyuan City Folk Artists Association also plans in October of next year, and other associations jointly organized the "Qingyuan City folk culture and Art Festival (Temple). Activities include folk arts and crafts exhibition, folk opera, folk songs and dances, intangible cultural heritage shows and other folk miscellaneous.